Drive-In Rack
We Buy & Sell New & Used Drive-In Rack
Why Drive-In Rack?
- One of the most economical, Hi Density, storage systems available today.
- Best suited for use on large quantities of “Like Items”.
- Uses a “Last In – First Out” method of recovery, and thus is much better suited to items with a long shelf life.
- Uses a “Common entrance and exit”, so access need only be from one side.
- Uses “Separate entrances and exits” so access needs to be on both sides.
- The forklift drives directly into the rack for storage or recovery, allowing storage of 2 or more pallets deep.
- Used for High-Density Storage
Designed to allow lift trucks to drive into the bay creating very high density storage for non stackable loads. Selectivity is slightly sacrificed, but storage density is improved. Drive-In Pallet Racking can increase storage by up to 75% more pallets in the same space than selective racking — depending on your application. It requires fewer aisles and is better cubic storage.
We Can “MATCH IN” To Your Existing System!
If you know what brand you have, great! Call in for sales assistance.